Line Height
Creating a reading passage reference allows the editor to make edits in one
place that will update all instances the passage is used. It also allows for reading passage reference.


<p class="line-height-default">Paragraph with default line height.</p> <p class="line-height-large">Paragraph with large line height. It makes space for this: <math><mfrac><mn>1</mn><mn>4</mn></mfrac></math> </p> <p class="line-height-small">Paragraph with small line height.</p>
Targetable Links
A targetable link is a link located on a page that targets another area of the page, allowing the user to jump from one section to antoher without scrolling through.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sit amet
pharetra nunc, vitae accumsan ipsum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer imperdiet velit viverra facilisis
vestibulum. Ut ac tempus mauris, et ultrices nulla. Sed suscipit elit ac
ultrices mollis. Duis justo diam, eleifend quis dui vitae, ultricies ornare
quam. Vestibulum tincidunt dolor nec blandit accumsan. Nullam odio
elit, fringilla non tincidunt in, pretium nec diam. Vestibulum volutpat
tristique imperdiet. Nullam id eros risus.
<div class="benchprep-rendered-content"> <a class="targetable-link" data-targetable="#target01">CLICK ME</a> <p>…</p> <div id=“target01”> <h1>Destination</h1> </div>
Reading Passage References
Creating a reading passage reference allows the editor to make edits in one place that will update all instances the passage is used. It also allows for reading passage reference.

<span class=“reading-passage-reference” data-index=“0”> These students live with a <em>dualistic</em> view, seeing the world in polar terms of we-right-good vs. other-wrong-bad.” These students cannot acknowledge the existence of more than one point of view toward any issue. There is one “right” </span>
Indent Class
A class telling a paragraph to indent

<p class="indent">If you were in ancient Greece, …</p>